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EPRs Uncovered: Debunking the Myths and maximising the value

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As one of the leading providers of electronic patient records (EPRs) in the UK, we know that the ambitious plans set out by NHS England as part of the Frontline Digitisation Programme to level up the NHS's digital capabilities with electronic patient records (EPRs) present both a challenge and an opportunity for NHS trusts.


We all have a common goal; we need to address the long-term health improvement goals and help recover our waiting lists post-pandemic in the most efficient and cost-effective way that makes best use of NHS budgets. News like NHS England's tech budget cuts may not help NHS leaders who are wondering how they will be able to push forward their frontline digitisation plans and reach the basic levels of digital maturity quickly without having a pot of money readily available.  This eBook explores the myths about EPRs with views from some of our clients as well as the team at Altera and shows practical steps an acute trust or ICS can take to implement an EPR in months, not years. It also looks at the opportunities of deploying a value for money EPR

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