Client since 2007
1,054 Licensed beds
417,565 Specialist outpatient clinic attendances
118,730 Accident & emergency attendances
5,878 Employees
1 Location
Sunrise™ Acute Care
Sunrise™ Ambulatory Care
Sunrise™ Emergency Care
Sunrise™ Knowledge-based Medical Administration
Sunrise™ Mobile
Sunrise™ Oncology
Sunrise™ Pharmacy
Sunrise™ Surgical Care
Provation® iPro
Altera Patient Flow™
Altera Clinical Performance Management
"Sunrise has set a high standard in healthcare system because it provides a common platform for us to view patient's records across SingHealth's institutions. Clinicians can view patients' results, upcoming appointments, past consults from other departments or hospitals that were not readily available to the Emergency Department previously."
Dr Goh Min Liong, Chief Medical
Informatics Officer, Changi General Hospital
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