Healthcare is an ecosystem. We care about everyone in it.
A simpler, more manageable, more navigable, more personal healthcare experience is better for everyone. Achieving it takes putting people first — providers, payers and staff — and developing platforms that work best for them and the people they treat and serve.
We believe we’ve cracked the code.
What sets us apart is the fact that you do not have to purchase an entire digital suite from Altera. Instead, you can learn about and carefully evaluate which of our tools you will get the most out of in your work-life, implement what best supports you, and leave the rest behind.
Maybe you come back for other tools, or maybe you simply ask for our professional advice down the road. Whatever you decide, we’ll be ready to help you get going.
At Altera Digital Health, we understand that implementing new tools and giving your staff proper training for these tools can be one big time-consuming challenge. We’ve simplified this process, by first simplifying our tools.
Our platforms and products are more personal: fitting what you’re facing, instead of you having to fit to them. Because better digital health services and solutions lead to a better everyday experience. Our entire digital outlook is built to fit how hospital staff, providers and patients live, work and interact.
How did we make our solutions more personal? We’re glad you asked.
Altera was co-created by clinicians and business professionals who have decades of experience in the digital healthcare space. We made sure to our platform experience is flexible, scalable and secure.
With Human-Centered Design, you and your staff will be able to apply our tools easily and reduce training time. The added value of these factors, combined with our easy-to-use solutions themselves, is that they will inspire your staff, creating a positive lift in your staff retention rate.
We intend to lead you to better, more connected care through making our solutions more human-focused than the rest. This means making things easier to understand while minimizing the amount of time you spend mastering our tools.
Say hello to Altera Digital Health. Bringing next-level healthcare within reach.
Formerly part of Allscripts.
Now proudly part of the Harris Healthcare family.
We are Altera Digital Health.
And ready to partner with you.